fredag 2. januar 2009

Fiji 23.12-31.12

Chrismast dinner at Mana
Scene from Mana Island
Sunrise at christmast eve on Mana Island
Afternoon shower coming in over Beachcomber Island
Mana Lagoon, lazy days. And check out their recyceling program for plastic bottles
Gerald the Dutch having a sip of my Aquavit at christmas eve, he thought it was beer and jumped all over after he bottomed it:)
Firedance at Waya Island
Dance show at Mana Island
Clothesline, Waya Island
Sunday service at Waya Island, I was the only white dude there and it was all in Fijian, nice experience
Kava seremoni-Bula!!!
Preparing muddy water, also called Kava. Leaves you with a strange feeling in the mouth and slightly dissy
Hard life in Fiji
mmm, cockroaches by the toilet, but what is that monsterspider doing there, waiting for a meal (Waya Island, Sunset beach, don't go there:)
Sunset at Sunset Beach:)
On our way to sunday service
The boss at Sunset relaxing after lunch
Really good lunch at Waya, Troubelly fish with breadfruit and lime/garlic sauce
before and...
made some friends at Waya
Corals at Waya island

Safe Landing at Nacula Island

Fishies in the Blue Lagoon
Snake in the Blue Lagoon
Corals in the Blue Lagoon

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